
The world is constantly evolving and with it, so, are the social dynamics of our children's lives. In order to ensure impactful education that's nurturing, relevant and up to date with technological advances, it's necessary to initiate futuristic, advanced learning methods.

At EuroSchool we would like to understand the impact of these technologies in education, and how they will change the very paradigm of education itself. To do so, we introduced AVRIO.

It is our Inter EuroSchool conference for school leaders. This initiative provides an opportunity for the school leadership to share their ideas and thoughts about their vision for the future. If school education has to cater to the needs of the 21st Century, we as educators must build a revolution. We hope to leverage this extensive experience as we think about ‘The Schools of Tomorrow’.

With AVRIO will aim to spark an idea that will change education for the better.

Schools of Tomorrow Avrio 2.0 | EuroSchool